Chorister & Acolyte Festival Recap
This past weekend, over 30 youth from around the Diocese gathered at St. Paul's Cathedral OKC for the Chorister & Acolyte Festival! Youth were represented from 4 different congregations - St. Paul's Cathedral, Grace Yukon, St. Stephen's Guymon, and St. Andrew's Lawton. The acolytes immersed themselves in workshops exploring the history and significance of their role, learning about the church’s sacred spaces, altar linens, vessels, and vestments, and practicing how to serve in various acolyte positions. Some even had the chance to take on the role of thurifer, learning the art of handling incense.
Meanwhile, the choristers devoted their time to rehearsing a rich repertoire, including two psalm chants, settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Evensong preces and responses, two choral anthems, and several hymns with descants.
Together, the full group engaged in exercises to sharpen their peripheral vision and spatial awareness, practiced processing, and even had some fun with vestment races. They shared meals, played together, and strengthened their friendships—building not just skills for worship, but a deeper sense of community and belonging.
Children & Youth Coordinator Teresa Phares shared a reflection from the weekend, "During Sunday afternoon’s Evensong, I was struck by how many more children and youth were leading the service than adults. And not only that—I could hear young voices in the pews, asking their parents questions about what was happening, singing along with the hymns, fully engaged in the experience. These young people weren’t just present; they were invited to lead, to participate as their full, authentic selves, and they did so with reverence and joy.”
“Children are not just the future of the church—they are the church, right now. Even the youngest choristers and acolytes eagerly took on their roles, understanding that they were vital to what was happening. It’s easy to assume that kids need to wait until they’re older, until they’re more mature, before they can fully participate in worship. But what I witnessed was children and youth who were engaged, attentive, and worshipful—even in a service shaped by 16th-century tradition! They didn’t just show up; they led and participated with grace, energy, and a deep sense of belonging.”
As the festival continues to grow, there are many hopes for its future:
Greater Youth Engagement – Encouraging even more children and youth to take on leadership roles in worship, whether as acolytes, choristers, readers, or in other meaningful ways.
Deeper Formation – Expanding educational opportunities so participants gain a richer understanding of liturgy, music, and their roles within worship.
Stronger Community Bonds – Creating more time for fellowship, mentorship, and collaboration between young leaders and experienced clergy, musicians, and lay leaders.
A Lasting Impact – Inspiring children and youth to see themselves as vital members of the church, carrying their experiences from the festival into their home congregations and beyond.
Increased Participation – Welcoming more churches, choirs, and acolyte teams to join in, making the festival a broader celebration of youth leadership in worship.
Joyful Worship – Keeping the focus on reverence, beauty, and the deep joy of coming together in worship, ensuring that every participant leaves feeling spiritually enriched and inspired.