Resources for Ministry
Welcome to the Resource Library for the Diocese of Oklahoma. You can search for resources by topic below. Need help or have a question, but don’t know who to ask? Check out this list below of a few of our staff members. See the full list on our Diocesan Staff page, HERE.
Finance & Administration
All pension benefits for eligible employees in our diocese are provided through the Church Pension Group and administered through Fidelity Investments.
If you have any changes to employee pensions, please contact Martha Smith, Payroll & Benefits Coordinator, directly via phone at (405) 232-4820 or via email at MSmith@epiok.org.
For Congregations
For Clergy & Leaders
Clergy Transitions
Safe Church
The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma has both external reporting requirements and internal reporting requirements. Both are required to protect minors and vulnerable adults. At all times the most important priority is the safety of the minor or vulnerable adult.
Contact the following and attach the Confidential Notice of Concern. If the report regards a member of the clergy:
Kelly Masters-Newton
(405) 537-3903The Rev. Robby Trammell
(405) 740-4104
Contact the following and attach the Confidential Notice of Concern. If the report regards a lay person:
Bishop’s Office
Liturgical Resources
Diocesan Convention
Congregational Vitality
Diocesan Staff Support
Martha Smith, Payroll & Benefits Coordinator
Email: msmith@epiok.org or Call: 405-437-0669
Payroll - Processes and Procedures
Health and Dental Benefits
Pension Administration
Worker’s Compensation Audit Info
Church Property Info
Parochial Report - Questions and Login Assistance
Lesli Graft, Bishop Poulson’s Executive Assistant
Email: lgraft@epiok.org or Call: 405-437-0482
Bishop Poulson’s Calendar, Visitations and Licensing.
Diocesan Ordination Officer and Registrar.
Diocesan Council Secretary and point person.
Congregation and Parochial Report questions and troubleshooting.
Diocesan Convention Secretary and event manager.
Clergy Retreat and Vestry Academy event manager.
Kate Carney Bond, Director of Faith Formation & Discipleship
Email: kbond@epiok.org or Call: 405-437-0344
Formation and Discipleship (Life-Long and Adult)
Congregational Vitality Consulting and Resources
Schools of Ministry (Iona Formation, Spirituality, and Discipleship)
Diocesan Vitality Granting Program
Safe Church Policies and Implementation
Teresa Phares, Children & Youth Coordinator
Email: tphares@epiok.org or Call: 405-437-2924
Safe Church: Background Checks, Praesidium Administrators, and Praesidium Academy Modules, both for content and who is required to take which modules.
St. Crispin's Summer Camp questions
Children & Youth formation consulting
Judith Rodriguez Delgado, Executive Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary
Email: jdelgado@epiok.org or Call: 405-416-5562
Managing of Canon Betsy Randall’s Calendar and Visitations
Holy Orders Process
Background Checks for Clergy and Holy Orders process participants
Safe Church Compliance for Clergy and Holy Orders process participants
Ordained Ministry Licensing
Supply Clergy List
Susanna LeMasters, Director of Communications
Email: slemasters@epiok.org or Call: 405-225-3706
Congregational website consulting and Diocesan website administrator
Social media and marketing strategy
Photography and graphic design solutions
Congregational vitality consulting and resources

We are the Episcopal Church in Oklahoma.