In the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, we love all people, because God loves all.
We welcome all people to all the sacraments, through baptism. And we invite all people to growth as disciples of Jesus Christ, by God’s abundant grace. While we respect diversity of opinion in our diocese and community, no members of our diocese will be denied access to sacraments or the opportunity for discernment of a call to ministry, lay or ordained, based only on their age, race, social or cultural background, political ideology, sexual orientation, or gender.
We invite and welcome all people not in order to go along with any social or political trends, but because we believe that “all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) and “if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
As Episcopalians, we hold in common an ancient faith centered on Jesus, grounded in Holy Scripture and guided by the Book of Common Prayer and the historic creeds. At the same time, we acknowledge that there are many differing views on various other matters in our Episcopal congregations and in our state. As both Christians and citizens, we humbly seek clarity on a range of issues through prayer, dwelling in God’s Word, and engaging with our neighbors to discern God’s will. As those reconciled to God by Christ Jesus, we seek to serve as reconcilers in our bitterly divided world, bringing God’s message of reconciliation, justice, and peace to those who are separated from others and from God.

We are the Episcopal Church in Oklahoma.