Vitality Training

Congregational Vitality Training Image

Congregational Vitality Training

Since becoming the Bishop in 2020, Bishop Poulson Reed identified congregational vitality as our primary mission as a Diocese. After thorough study and research of both relevant literature and of our own congregations, we are confident that there is a path to vitality for every congregation. We can say this because vitality is Christ’s promise to us – that we would have life and have it abundantly. However, this focus on vitality is not just a nice saying; we offer proven practices that grow vitality. In our research, we have identified twelve signs of vitality that are internal to the congregation, shown in our communities, and embodied by vital leaders. We are continually developing new vital practices as a resource for our congregations to help them express this promised vitality in their lives and ministries.

Dwelling in the Word

Groups, small or large, gather to hear God’s word. Then, they pair up with a partner and share what caught their attention and any questions or thoughts they have about the passage. Afterward, they rejoin the group and share what they heard their partner say.

Below you can read a comprehensive guide for leading Dwelling in the Word, recommended passages, and a how-to Dwell in the Word video.

Faithful Innovation

In 2022, the Ministry Partners piloted Faithful Innovation with a diverse set of five congregations from across the Diocese of Oklahoma. We are now excited to offer this opportunity to all congregations in our Diocese!

We are the Episcopal Church in Oklahoma.

Vital Congregations. Steadfast Prayer. Courageous Witness.