Retreat in Daily Life

An eight-month retreat? That will surely change some things! And it does! Comments we most commonly hear are, “It was healing.” “It was rejuvenating.” “ It was… joyful… challenging… filled with grace!”Welcome to a 500-year-old prayer journey that commonly has been known to change lives and bring participants into closer relationship with God. Retreat in Daily Life (RIDL) focuses on the Ignatian Exercises, a ten-month process beginning in the fall and concluding in the spring. Prior to beginning the exercises in October, retreatants practice prayer methods in August and September that they will encounter in the following months. Each participant is assigned to a small group that meets weekly and to a spiritual director with whom they meet monthly. Daily, retreatants focus on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They do this through prayer and scripture readings outlined in Ignatian Adventures, and by following the Ignatian principle of “finding God in all things.”

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