School of Discipleship Lay Orders

The School of Discipleship is launching the first opportunities for training as Lay Catechists and Lay Evangelists. Lay Orders are areas of ministry in which lay persons may be formally licensed for leadership. Applications for Lay Orders are due by November 1st.

Lay Catechists

Lay catechists walk with people in their journeys of faith planning, assisting, and leading opportunities for people to grow closer to God through prayer, scripture study, and relationships. Lay catechists primarily work within their local congregations but may also contribute to Dioccesan-wide formation. Lay catechists may desire to work with a particular age group or generalize in lifelong formation.

Are you called to be a Lay Catechist?

  • A relationship with God and a commitment to deepening your faith

  • A commitment to your congregation

  • A desire to engage the ministry of teaching with a particular age group or across all age groups

  • A passion for learning, creative thinking, and working collaboratively

Lay Evangelists

Evangelists are those who desire to share the Good News of Christ in the world. Evangelists have a particular ministry of sharing Christ’s love in order to help others identify where God is active in their own lives and desire a closer relationship with the living God. Evangelists are those people already gifted, or desiring to develop the gifts, of sharing their faith in their everyday lives with others.

Are you called to be a Lay Evangelist?

  • A relationship with God and a commitment to sharing your faith with others

  • A commitment to your congregation

  • A desire to help people in your congregation learn how to connect with those in their community and share their faith

  • The ability to connect authentically with others through sharing and listening


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