Harrah Pub Church
In Harrah, at the Black Raven Pub, where Pub Church meets, there is a growing community with a mission to discern what God is calling them to. Originally founded by Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Shawnee and supported by a Congregational Vitality Grant from the Diocese, Pub Church may not have a building, but its commitment to welcoming Christ and stranger alike continues to thrive. In November, they deepened their connection with their neighbors by collaborating with Harrah Nursing Center, spending Thanksgiving with residents who had no family nearby. Eight volunteers joined the nursing home’s meal and festivities, and the experience enriched them all.
Stacey Hale, a member at Emmanuel Harrah Pub Church, shared the importance of connecting with neighbors, “It is so important for Pub Church to connect with our neighbors and show them what we are all about—being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.”
The church also launched a simple but impactful food box ministry in the local community. When a need arises—whether through Facebook, local contacts, or word of mouth, members deliver a box of nonperishable food to families in need. In late November, they packed and distributed ten boxes, with contributions from the congregation at Pub Church and support from Emmanuel Shawnee.
Nathan Troutman, a member at Emmanuel Harrah Pub Church, reflected on the work they have done, “I feel it’s important for our church to have a feel for what is needed within our community, understanding what needs are how best we as a congregation can serve them. I have I prayed on this daily. And I feel that through prayer and the Lord leading us towards those in our community that are having issues with feeding themselves and their families has been something that has continued showing it self to me. So when I brought up the idea of providing food boxes, the others in the congregation loved the idea and from there it has just flowered into helping get food to family’s that would not have had anything to feed their children with on Thanksgiving Day. My prayers for Emanuel of Harrah is that we can continue to provide to the community with where the Lord is leading us. That we are able to spread the peace and love of our savior Jesus Christ the way he did when he walked the dirt streets and roads feasting with the lesser of the day.”
Each Sunday, the congregation gathers at the Pub and sings, "Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place." For Pub Church, the "place" isn’t a building, it’s in their spiritual friendship with one another and their community. Through these efforts, they continue to show that church is not confined to the walls of the church but thrives in finding God in all places and all times.