The Rev. Stephanie Jenkins New Oklahoma National Guard Chaplain

The Rev. Stephanie Jenkins recently took the Oath of Commissioned Officers in the Oklahoma National Guard. Capt. Stephanie Jenkins will serve as the chaplain for the 545th Brigade Engineer Battalion, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Oklahoma Army National Guard.

She shared with us why this ministry is important, “Providing spiritual support (reminding people they are God's beloved and offering a listening ear as invited) in a military context broadens the reach of God's love to a population that could likely not attend a traditional Sunday morning church service.” “As the military continues to reflect the diverse population and spiritual needs of the American population, it is important military chaplains reflect that diversity.  Female chaplains are significantly underrepresented as well as chaplains who lead a liturgical liturgy as well as the Sacraments.”

Stephanie went on to share how she heard the call to chaplain ministry, “I first learned about serving as a chaplain in the National Guard through a Methodist colleague while I was serving in the Diocese of Kansas as their Campus Missioner, explored briefly active enlistment and discerned that wasn't where the Spirit was leading me.  While waiting in a carline/security check to get on Post last September for Coffee with the Commander, I had a Holy Spirit moment, "what if I served in a reserved or guard capacity." 

Congratulations to the Rev. Stephanie Jenkins!


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