School of Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma’s School of Spiritual Direction is a diocesan school committed to raising up individuals discerning a call to become spiritual directors. The two-year program includes four terms. Students meet in monthly sessions, in person, from September thru May.  After finishing the program, students will earn a proof of completion from the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma.  Requirements to be considered for the program include meeting regularly with a Spiritual Director and previous experience in prayer disciplines. It is highly recommended that those interested in applying have completed an 8-month Ignatian Exercises group, and have experience with Daily Lectio/Centering prayer discipline based on Sacred Space or the Book of Common Prayer. 

Click HERE for admission process. 

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is “help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.” (William A. Barry and William J. Connolly, The Practice of Spiritual Direction)

Spiritual direction calls us to discern the movements and messages of God in our lives

What is a Spiritual Director?

Spiritual directors play a crucial role in guiding individuals as they navigate their spiritual journeys. They help clients explore and understand their spirituality, foster a connection with a higher power, and work towards achieving a sense of equilibrium and harmony in various aspects of their lives.

Cost of Spiritual Direction Program

There is an annual tuition of $1200.00 per student for each year of participation. It is highly recommended students seek financial assistance from their congregations. Limited Diocesan support available. 

How Can I Become a Diocesan Recommended Spiritual Director? 

Please click HERE to see a list of requirements to become a recommended Diocesan spiritual director. Applications should be turned into Dean Susan Joplin at

Retreat in Daily Life

Retreat in Daily Life is a Diocesan program sponsored by The School of Spiritual Direction. The daily retreat helps participants realize the closeness and profound love of God, and helps them find their role in God’s Kingdom.

Retreat in Daily Life is a 500-year-old prayer journey based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits. A significant number of people in our Diocese have participated in this eight-month retreat. The common response from them is, “It was life changing!”

We are the Episcopal Church in Oklahoma.

Vital Congregations. Steadfast Prayer. Courageous Witness.